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Dec 8, 2021

WE'RE BAAAAACK!!!    .... Kind of.

This week, we ease back into things by just geeking out about what we've been watching while we've had a month off. We do hope you enjoyed PODTOBERFEST 21' whether you were there for it live, watched the video's after or listened as the audio dropped over the last month. Thank you so much for listening!

Now here's a few things we've been watching. Rain, Tiger King 2, The Wheel of Time, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, The Harder They Fall and more!

It's good to be back... we can't wait to hear from you!

Contact us at

Ginger- @S7evendaysageek

Cole- @NeighborCole

Kyle- KyleMarieWrites

The show - @7DagPodcast

and email us at