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Dec 1, 2015

In this episode, something's gotta give so for now... I say goodbye. But before all that seriousness, the Angry Ginger shares what he's been geeking out about over the past month.

The List App

The Tim Ferriss Show (Podcast)

Limetown (Podcast)

Ash V.S. Evil Dead (TV Show)

Armada (Book)

Mortdecai (Movie)

Thanks for...

Dec 1, 2015

Today I pull some clips from an over 3 hour guest spot I did over at the Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks show in May. I had a blast talking to both Neil and Annaleis and I wanted to share some of their show with you. If you've not heard it yet...please go give it a subscribe and lend them your ears. You will fall in love...