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Jun 27, 2014

In this episode we geek out about Fargo, 24 and The Strain. In trailer talk we get down to business with The Gaurdians of the Galaxy, TMNT and The Expendables 3.

Ginger asks that everyone celebrate his life when he dies of an aneurysm...

Also, there has been a lot of hub bub about the podcast and it's future...this too...

Jun 23, 2014

In this episode, Oz takes us on a trip to Australia's biggest Comic Con...SUPERNOVA! Oz also takes on all of DC Comics via his normal happy everyday self...and Batman's very own Scott Snyder writes us to apologize.

We geekout over Superhero's on the big and small screen. Oz has one small request followed by a very...

Jun 12, 2014

This was originally Episode 74. It got lost in the mix... Like those Atari games long buried and thought to be forgotten...I, The Angry Ginger, have unearthed this mighty podcast and am now sharing it with you! The much more mighter listener if I do say so myself!

I could go on explaining the episode...but I think the...

Jun 5, 2014

In this episode, the crew miss Jessica, Bring Eric into the fold permanently (if he'll have us) and talk Spiderman, X-men, and of course Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.