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Mar 25, 2020

No bull$hit Bud Light virus can keep the Geeks down!  NC, JAG, and Quad brave the pandemic, Wade thru the bodies, and bring you the first ever live VIDEO version of 7DAG!  Come see our beautiful faces in person as we give you your everything to watch list during the Quarantine. We also rate the best movie ever...

Mar 20, 2020

3 quick 2 minute clips to give you and idea of what you're missing if you're not listening to the 7 Days a Geek podcast!

Subscribe Today!

Mar 18, 2020

Your fearless leader and true number one, Jason The Angry Ginger returns from Florida, no less tan than he left. Kudo's are given to #2 and #3.

Quad loses control of the segement bumper's to Neighbor Cole so he sabatages the show!

Coronavirus fears and talk of stupid people is at the top of the show but then the fella's...

Mar 12, 2020

Oh where oh where has the Ginger gone?  Oh where o where could be be? That's right!  Florida! Tune in this week as 1st and 2nd Mic (NC and Quad respectively)team up to tackle the show on their lonesome, SANs one Angry Ginger if you will!  The duo geeks out and catches up! And they do a pretty good job without the red...

Mar 5, 2020

Stand Up and be heard!  The geeks are diving into the realm of Stand Up comedy.  Tune in and hear from the eclectic tastes of JAG, NC, and Quad as they play clips of their favorite comedians!  Also Quad sucked the big one so he has an apology, could it be in the form of an old Irish Drinking Song? Will he swab the...