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Nov 29, 2017

Here is the review of Logan Lucky. Fresh from the Angry Ginger/Neighbor Cole 'Man Date', we give you the breakdown, spoilers and review that we promised from this film. Was it worth Soda-berg coming out of retirement for? Meh-be?

Thanks for your support. More coming!

Nov 27, 2017

In this episode (recorded after Ep 161 Friendly Neighborhood Podcasters) we discuss a crap ton of movie trailers that we just haven't been able to cram into an episode just yet.

If you listen, and why wouldn't you, you'll learn more about new co-host Cole and his fear of horror movies and why. He shares some hilarious...

Nov 26, 2017

Once again, Courtney from the Quadcast Podcast, takes 3rd mic to help us discuss more shows you should be checking out this holiday well as handicapped love making. 

Nov 25, 2017

Neighbor Cole and The Angry Ginger go after Stephen Kings The Dark Tower from Page to Screen! 

Nov 25, 2017

The Quadfather calls in to give his years of Marriage counseling and Family Therapy training to a couple of knuckleheads who clearly need dating advice from a man who hasn't dated in 27 years.