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Jul 25, 2019

This is not an episode! Want to hear the full thing? If you're a Patreon supporter you can! It's available now!

Not a Patreon supporter yet? Why not give it a go? Lots of new stuff coming this month!

Follow the link! $5 dollar a month gets you full access to the 7DAG episodes not heard anywhere...

Jul 13, 2019

In this episode, "friends" new and old, real and unreal, spoken and outspoken, right and wrong, come together to tell Jason The Angry Ginger how they really feel.

Sit back and relax for the next hour or so while @QuadfatherMFT, @NeighborCole, @WickedTheory, @AgentPalmer @Deac273, @AngryOzGeek @WireTechGirl...

Jul 13, 2019

More Greatest hits while we look back at the last 2 years of 7 Days a Geek. Neighbor Cole and The Quadfather are here!

We relive the drunken (and recorded) date night with Lola. Thanks Courtney. We also share the moment The Quadfather joined the show and a new podcast episode is shared too.

Interested in hearing...

Jul 13, 2019

In this episode, the 200th of 7 Days a Geek, Neighbor Cole, 3rd Mic Quadfather and The Angry Ginger discuss getting man handled by the ever so sexy Bradley Cooper and how we're attracted to Lady GaGa too.

A look back to the first year or two of 7 Days a Geek with TK1, McBlizzard and Bacon is in the mix as well.

Jul 13, 2019

Neighbor Cole joins me in Monkey Poo Studios to discuss his 2 years in podcasting. The show's 7 years and we go back and relieve a few moments from his beginnings, as well as the show!

Hear TK1 and The Angry Ginger discuss Oscar Grab Bags, an early Wiki Wiki WHaa? and we go way back to the Star Wars New Order R &...