Mar 21, 2013
In this episode we ATTEMPT to make a commentary track over the Tricks and Treats story that is in Episode 31: The Grindhouse Funhouse Radio Play. As you will see, it takes us a while to warm up to that part. We get wrapped up in the Kai The Homeless Hitchhiker Story, as well as talk a little Old Gregg!
It takes a few minutes, but we actually start to play the first read through of the Radio Play. It's terrible. No point in playing the good one right. While listening to it, Grant (TK1, Ed Richter) The Seasoned "Actor", has a bit of trouble telling the recording apart from real a bizarre twist of events, his past self even starts to talk to him! Can the world handle a recording of TK1 that's self aware? Stay Tuned!
This is Part 1 of 2. So pop your meds, even you are going to feel like your going insane after listening to this train wreck!