Jan 16, 2013
Well here it is..."The Radio Play" that I've been promising for months! Not much to say really, other than Thank You everyone who has helped me out with this project! It's been a lot of work and a lot of fun...and frankly, without you, I wouldn't have been able to do it!
Between the Covers
Emmett Terbeek
AJ Baker
Tricks and Treats
Starring The 7 Days a Geek Crew
Jason Parsons @S7evendaysageek
Jeremy Dorman @ThatMcBlizzard
Mike Bacon
Grant Markham @Lastpodstanding
Brian Stewart @Stewnami
Christna Nicholls @RedSquirrel80
Gen @DitzWitDTits
Rambo @PunchDrunkRambo
Chesney Goss V.S. The Apocalypse /End of the World
Nick Twist @Twisty_Monster
Dan Evans @Deac273
Arron Henderson-Smith @Angry_Oz_Geek
Mic for the kickass music @BuiPodcasts
@ItsDeadSir for the Episode Art
Written and Produced by Jason Parsons